Artwork for In Conversation With...
In Conversation With... is a monthly podcast that dives deep into specific parts of agriculture with a panel of guests. This series alternates monthly between grain supply chains with Mark Bowsher-Gibbs and then sheep health with Kirsten Williams. These episodes are timely and relevant to the month they are released. We feature new guests on every episode, from supply chain professionals, traders, vets nutritionists and more. Listen now, to deep dive into your arable or livestock area of interest.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

In Conversation With...

In Conversation With... is a monthly podcast that dives deep into specific parts of agriculture with a panel of guests. This series alternates monthly between grain supply chains with Mark Bowsher-Gibbs and then sheep health with Kirsten Williams. These episodes are timely and relevant to the month they are released. We feature new guests on every episode, from supply chain professionals, traders, vets nutritionists and more. Listen now, to deep dive into your arable or livestock area of interest.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo